再次改动了 tornado-memcache
在上次(http://wangxu.me/blog/p/758)之后,再次改动了 tornado-memcache 模块,commit 信息如下:
Add gets method and simplify connection estabilish
- simplify connection estabilish procedure, as tornado.iostream permit write before connection estabilished, I removed the callback and connection timeout procedure in _get_server() - add `gets(self, keys, callback, failcallback)` method, receive a list of keys as parameter and return a dictionary of results result = {key1:value1, key2:value2...}, only return the got keys from memcached - some debug info, might be cleanup later Signed-off-by: Wang Xu <gnawux……
- 读了文档,发现 tornado 的 iostream 允许在连接建立未完成的时候就write,既然我之前已经用 iostream 管理 socket 了,这里就省掉上次在这里加上的callback 和 timeout,直接 write command,等 write 的超时或返回就好了;
- 读了memcached 协议,发现取信息(get),是支持一次取多条信息的,于是加入了这个支持,这样,批处理操作时会提高不少效率。
里面还插入了好多调试的时候的 debug 信息,差不多都注掉了,回头都稳定了再清理一下。
嗯,代码都在 github 了:https://github.com/gnawux/tornado-memcache